Summer, unfortunately, is coming to an end. Families are enjoying their last moments together before the kids hit the books and buckle down for another year of learning. Once Labor Day weekend ends, business begins. The mindset is clearly different between August and September. In August, people are enjoying their time at the beach, amusement parks, picnics, and really anywhere but the office. However, once the kids are off to school, the mindset changes to the office and constantly being on the run.
I like to call September the month of "Back to School/Back to Work." This means people, both young and seasoned, are eager to learn and work. it is almost akin to a new year, at least fiscally. Yet, we, as adults in the working world, try to start the new year with the same old stuff. We think our content, that may or may not have worked the year before, will be sufficient for the upcoming year. And while the world around us has grown just a bit older, we choose to remain stagnant. This is not the example we want to set for our children and this is the not the example set for us by those that are successful in business.
Imagine, if you will, your child or a child with whom you identify, did poorly on an assignment. This child has a new assignment due in the same class in a week. You suggest analyzing the past assignment along with the teacher's notes and using this analysis to create the new assignment. The child, of course knowing more than you, tells you he will just do what he did before and that will suffice. Lo and behold, the child comes home with the same grade and is dumbfounded. You may now shake your head.
I know for most us, that scenario rings true more often than not, with our children. However, we do not choose to take that same advice with our business and our marketing content and written material. We will ignore the facts in front of us and just keep plugging along, wondering why we are not seeing an increase in traffic or revenue.
This year, instead of staying with the old tactics, test your comfort zone and analyze whether your tactics are working. Make your assignment for the new school year to recreate your brand as needed. Find the best tactics for your company and change your content marketing materials appropriately. Make this year's back to school/back to work month a successful start to a new year and a new business tactic.